Outreach Link

Who We Are

Outreach Link is an alumni program focused on the expansion of the kingdom of God through evangelism and fellowship-planting.  Alumni Link is partnering with both the Evangelism and Fellowship Planting Departments in order to fulfill BCF’s vision of leading students to Christ.  We need you! Below are two opportunities for you to serve in BCF in new and exciting ways.

Delaware Team

Alumni Link is currently recruiting alumni to form the Delaware Team. The Delaware Team will be focused on evangelizing, praying, and planting a BCF Bible study on the University of Delaware campus in Newark, NJ.  The goal is to form a tight-knit team that can encourage one another and grow as brethren and effective ministers in the kingdom. We are currently recruiting members for the team and training will start once the team is formed.  The team training will include teachings and practical, Biblical lessons on evangelism, intercession, and fellowship-planting. These trainings will occur both in-person and online.  Evangelism will occur on the University of Delaware campus this fall semester. The team will go to the campus on a consistent basis in order to teach students about Jesus and build relationships with those students.  Finally, the end goal is to transition the new believers, who are interested in starting a BCF bible study, to the Fellowship Planting Department.  If you are interested in receiving more information and serving on this team, please fill out the form below.

Support Team

Alumni Link is also recruiting alumni who are willing to join the Support Team.  The Support Team will visit various states with the purpose of providing evangelistic and prayerful support to alumni located in brand new BCF states. The end goal of each visit is to help plan a physical meeting/fellowship for the students in the new state. This can be as informal as an ice cream social or as formal as a Bible study or fellowship night. The logistics of each specific visit, including time commitments, will be shared with those who indicate their interest. If you are interested in receiving more information and serving on this team, please fill out the form below.

If you reside in a state with no active BCF chapters, where you are currently (or are interested in) evangelizing/building relationships on a nearby campus and would like support, please fill out the form below.