Alumni Link
Connect - Grow - Fellowship


The purpose of Alumni chapters is to assemble alumni in the BCF ministry in order to strengthen their faith and zeal to keep pursuing Jesus Christ. In addition, it is also to help alumni sustain the vision of BCF in order to give back to the next generation, that is, undergraduates.

Alumni Link chapters are comprised of alumni who have attended various BCF affiliated schools, but nonetheless welcome alumni from other institutions as well.

These AL Chapters are intended to be used for the sharpening of BCF Alumni believers, the fellowship of the brethren, and for the saving of souls as we pour back into college campuses.

Connect With Us

Please fill out the form below to join an Alumni Link chapter and remain in fellowship with the BCF ministry.

  • Please provide a personal email address and not a school email address.
  • Ex. "Baltimore, MD"; "Norfolk, VA"; etc.
    Just a reminder that if you do not see your Alma mater listed as hosts, you can still join ANY Chapter you prefer. They are not restricted to the alumni who attended those particular schools. In addition, you may join any Chapter that is nearest to your residence.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Are you in the state of Georgia? GA Alumni Link fellowship – Soon to come!
More information to be announced